SSD Benefits Application Assistance

Often, the physical conditions that create the need for SSD benefits also make it difficult to be proactive about obtaining it. You need assistance. At Utah Disability, P.C., we guide clients through every step of the SSD benefits application process. Our hands-on approach means that clients don’t have to face frustrating obstacles and hurdles alone. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation. Take the first step in getting the financial assistance you are entitled to. 

Sometimes, taking that first step toward achieving your goals is the most difficult thing to do. Overcoming fears, misperceptions and delays is no easy task. This is certainly true when you are taking the initial steps to apply for Social Security disability assistance.

Accurately Handling Paperwork

  •   Our firm has devoted over 40 years to the practice of helping people obtain SSD benefits. Over the years, we have grown to fully understand the intricacies of the application process.

  •   We work closely with clients, exploring important factors to provide the most accurate picture possible.

Filling in the Details

  •   We can help you fill out the benefits application completely, with strong emphasis on the disability, as we explain lifestyle habits and changes and schedule. When consultative medical examinations are scheduled by Social Security, we confirm the appointment and explain what will take place.


  •   Often, when we examine disability claims applications clients have completed without our help, we find inaccuracies as well as short answers that do not completely detail the client’s condition or situation. We can help you fill out the benefits application completely, with strong emphasis on the disability, as we explain lifestyle habits and changes and schedule consultative medical examinations.

Don’t let discouragement or physical pain get in the way of getting the Social Security disability benefits you are entitled to. Contact the Law Office of Utah Disability, P.C. — we have earned a reputation for success by effectively pursuing claims on behalf of those we serve.

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